Deliver Electric Delhi

Deliver Electric Delhi

Pilot on Electrification of Final-Mile Delivery Vehicles in Delhi
- By Dialogue and Development Commission of Delhi, RMI, RMI India
Date: 17 August, 2020

“Deliver Electric Delhi” is a pilot on the electrification of final mile delivery vehicles in Delhi. The pilot is hosted by Rocky Mountain Institute, RMI India, and Dialogue and Development Commission of Delhi in collaboration with 36 private sector organizations. The pilot will deploy 1,000 electric delivery vehicles and the associated charging infrastructure in Delhi. The report provides an overview of the pilot and covers the following topics: 

  • Opportunity and need for electrifying final-mile delivery vehicles in Delhi 
  • “Deliver Electric Delhi” pilot specifications 
  • The process for pilot implementation through a phased approach 
  • Conclusions and path forward 
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