Transforming Trucking in India

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Pathways to Zero-Emission Truck Deployment.
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by NITI Aayog and Rocky Mountain Institute Sudhendu J. Sinha, Joseph Teja

Transforming Trucking in India

Pathways to Zero-Emission Truck Deployment.
- by NITI Aayog and Rocky Mountain Institute Sudhendu J. Sinha, Joseph Teja
Date: 10 September, 2022

Recognizing the sector's significant contribution to air pollution and carbon emissions, the report addresses the need for a comprehensive transformation of the trucking sector in India. It outlines the economic case for scaling ZET adoption and presents a blend of near-term and long-term strategies and solutions — including policy, financing, access to charging, and technology innovation — that can enable India to capitalize on the far-reaching benefits of a zero-emissions trucking future. The report also shows that the estimated total cost of ownership for medium-duty ZETs under a mature production scenario is lower than diesel trucks and could feasibly reach parity in the heavy-duty truck segment by 2027. 

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