Decarbonising the Indian Transport Sector

Decarbonising the Indian Transport Sector

Pathways and Policies.
- By New Climate Institute and Climate Analytics , Markus Hagemann, Julie Emmrich, Anna Nilsson, Louise Jeffery, Ryan Wilson, Deborah Ramalope, Marie-Camille Attard, Kim Coetzee
Date: 10 December, 2020

This analysis explores Paris Agreement-aligned emissions reduction scenarios to zero emissions by 2050 for the Indian transport sector, in line with the magnitude and speed needed to be consistent with the Paris Agreement objective and that would bring benefits such as avoiding the air pollution that is causing high levels of mortality. The scenarios explored aim for the highest plausible ambition level that can be achieved in India’s transport sector. The highest plausible ambition levels for all model levers are defined based on what literature suggests can be achieved and at what speed. To the extent possible, interactions between these levers are considered within the model. 

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