Electric Highways

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Accelerating and Optimizing Fast-Charging Deployment for Carbon-Free Transportation
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By National Grid, CALSTART, RMI, Stable Auto, Geotab

Electric Highways

Accelerating and Optimizing Fast-Charging Deployment for Carbon-Free Transportation
- By National Grid, CALSTART, RMI, Stable Auto, Geotab
Date: 11 November, 2022

This white paper, written in partnership between National Grid, CALSTART, RMI, Stable Auto, and Geotab, presents an ambitious but attainable electric highway future in which all vehicles electrify to meet proactive policy goals for zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) sales in New York and Massachusetts. Meeting such targets will require a robust and accessible network of highway stations that provides on-route fast-charging. Using observed charging station behavior and traffic data, this study models expected power demand growth between 2022 and 2045 across 71 sites in these two states, projecting site-specific impacts at likely highway charging locations. The resulting recommendations will inform and support policymakers, utilities, and site operators in planning for highway fast-charging deployment that not only accommodates but accelerates ZEV adoption. 

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